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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
58478 Titles
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SoundtrackCollector has 153313 members collecting 766156 soundtracks
Search Results
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A search for 'Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
3 matches in composers
  1. We Are the City
  2. The Sun City Girls
  3. Like City Lights Receding

14165 matches in tracks
  1. Resident Evil Suite (04:33)
    from Resident Evil: Afterlife
  2. New Headquarters* (01:54)
    from Resident Evil: Extinction
    * Contains "Resident Evil Theme" by Marilyn Manson
  3. The Resident Evil Outbreak~Staff Roll (03:44)
    from Biohazard Outbreak
    Akihiko Matsumoto
  4. Raccoon City (01:49)
    from Biohazard
  5. R.P.D.: Raccoon City (00:00)
    from Biohazard 2
  6. Entering Raccoon City (02:48)
    from Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
  7. Entering Raccoon City (02:48)
    from Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
  8. Euthanasia of Raccoon City (00:59)
    from Biohazard
  9. Epilogue: Euthanasia of Raccoon City (00:00)
    from Biohazard 3: Last Escape
  10. Raccoon City (01:50)
    from Biohazard 2
    Masami Ueda
  11. Evil City (03:27)
    from Silent Möbius 2
  12. Return to the Former Resident (01:24)
    from Feng Ping Lang Jing
  13. Get On It (00:00)
    from Get Over It
    Resident Filters
  14. Chief Resident (01:53)
    from House Of God, The
  15. Chief Resident (01:53)
    from Cherry 2000
  16. Raccoon (02:01)
    from I Love You, Beth Cooper
  17. Sutton's Nightmare (00:00)
    from Sign Of Four, The
    From: The Resident Patient
  18. Sutton's Nightmare (00:00)
    from Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes, The
    From: The Resident Patient
  19. Sutton's Nightmare (00:00)
    from Return Of Sherlock Holmes, The
    From: The Resident Patient
  20. Raccoon Chasing (00:42)
    from Heartbeeps
Show all 14165 matching tracks